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Monday, March 14, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

It is so heartbreaking to watch your kids make bad choices. We stand by, ready to support them in whatever they choose; ready to pick up the pieces when they fall.  I'm going through an especially difficult time 'cause now there is a baby involved. My own little granddaughter caught in the middle.  She doesn't have a choice so we have to make the right choices for her. But that isn't my job. It's her mother's job.  I just find it hard to stand by and watch her struggling to make the best choices for her baby daughter when she still hasn't quite figured out how to make the right choices for herself... I lift them both up in prayer. My only option is to entrust them both to God. He will work it out and it will be better than if I tried to work it out for them. I pray that she will put her trust in God and let Him lead them to the place they should be.  He worked everything out for me when I made bad choices as a teenager.  The moment I put my trust in Him the weight was lifted because he shared the loads with me. Things might not always turn out how we imagine them; sometimes they turn out even better!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, Sherry. You are correct, things usually do turn out better than we hoped for when we put our trust in God.
