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Monday, November 15, 2010


People have a lot of different opinions about Monday.  Some say it is a "blah" day, others say it is a new beginning.  How do you feel about Mondays?  When I had four small children living at home Monday was a chaotic dash around the house...making sure everyone had there backpacks and all that was supposed to be in them.  Even when we tried setting everything out the night before, it was inevitable that someone forgot something they were supposed to take that day.  "I forgot my lunch money is due today!"  "I forgot I was supposed to wear a purple shirt today!"  "I forgot I was supposed to bring a picture of me when I was a baby!"  That was a crazy, but exciting time in our lives.  Now I have two kids in college, one about to be a mom for a second time, and one seventeen year-old at home. We still have some chaotic days, but it's not quite the same as the ones we had back then.  If you have little ones at home, enjoy them (even on Mondays).  They will be out living their own lives in the blink of an eye...

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